Monday, September 10, 2007

Bad Backs Lax Signs Coach/ Sideline Coordinator to a One Game Contract

Some people may say that $100,000 is too much to pay a Coach to bring their team the first tournament victory. To those people, I say you've never met Bill Schoeb. Bad Backs is breaking all the rules by signing Coach Schoeb to a one game, $100,000 contract for the Hero's Laxtoberfest tournament on October 6th and 7th. When asked if this made any logical sense at all, his brother John said, "sure, the guy has an 89 and 11 win / loss record, weighs 300 lbs and can almost bench his body weight 2 times. Anybody with those credentials has my vote"

It's been another story with some of the players, who are trying to understand the economics of the deal and will ultimately fund his one game salary. Mike Levine who has had the fortune of seeing Coach Schoeb in action feels "He has the leadership skills to take us to the next level, I'm just struggling with how I'm going to tell my wife that the $97 fee that was supposed to cover the uniforms and registration will now exceed $5100 per player." Pat Sheridan who has also seen Coach Schoeb in action said "I'd be willing to pay twice that just to have him in the press box."

Other comments have included:
"Are you crazy"
"We've never even played in a tournament before"
"We will never see an ROI with those kind of numbers"
"I had budgeted some extra dollars for the tournament, but this is ridiculous"

When asked if Coach Schoeb was willing to amortize his salary over 100,000 years, Coach Schoeb responded, "there are several options still on the table and I'm willing to consider all of them."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you considered a family and friends tax to help with the unexpected but well deserved salary? Just a thought????